Classic Massage ( Aroma/ Swedish Massage)
60/90 mins 70/100euro
It is a harmonic full-body massages to loosen up tight muscles caused by daily activities such as sitting at the computer or exercising. We will use warm herbal infused oils to relieve your physical and mental stress, reduce stiffness, joint and muscle pain.
Deep Tissue Massage
60/90 mins 80/110 euro
A "Good pain" Massage effective in treating musculoskeletal issues such as chronic back pain and tendonitis as well as reducing stress, anxiety and overall muscle tension. It works on the deep layers of muscle and fascia in the body. Expect firm pressure, intense sensations and trigger point treatment.
60/90 mins 70/100 euro
Ayurveda Massage (Indian massage)
90 mins 110 euro
The best massage ever to restore your energy. It is an energy enchantment from bottom of your toes to the top of your face, you will feel a beautiful energy flow when bathing in the special Ayurveda oil.
Lomi Lomi Nui (Hawaii Massage)
90 mins 110 euro
An imaginative journey take you away from Berlin , you are going to bath in a CoCo Oil dream. The massage as if sea waves wash away your stress and transform a perfect balance between deep tissue and relaxation, feel like waves goes generally on your body.
Booking: You are welcome to drop me a direct message on
Message on: WhatsApp +491779126643
DM on: Instagram
Available: Every Saturday
Address: Manteuffelstraße 67, 10999 Berlin
2G Rule applied

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Joephy, Sze Ting Wong is a Hong Kong artist and a body therapist, she lives and works in Berlin.
She obtained her first honors of MFA in Public Art and New Artistic Strategies from the Bauhaus-Universität in Weimar, Germany, and a BA in Visual Arts from the Academy of Visual Arts at the Hong Kong Baptist University.
In her previous site-specific project - Pool Resonance series - a selected project in the Bauhaus Centenary programme. She was invited to organise a performance in a 100-year-old public swimming pool Schwanseebad, featuring an intimate dialogue between man and space.
She is currently starting her massage studio "Feel Like a Feather” located in Kreuzberg . Meanwhile, she completed her advance training as a certified body therapist in Berlin.
Joephy Sze Ting Wong ist eine in Hong Kong geborene Berliner Künstlerin, die mit ortsspezifischen Projekten, Installationen, Darbietungen und Videos arbeitet. Derzeit ist sie in verschiedenen kommunalen Projekten in Berlin aktiv.
Ihre Arbeit thematisiert den kollektiven Rhythmus durch synchrone Bewegung und Klangästhetik und sie ist eine MFA-Absolventin des Studiengangs „Kunst im öffentlichen Raum und neue künstlerische Strategien“ der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar sowie eine BFA-Absolventin der Akademie der Bildenden Künste an der Hong Kong Baptist University.
Derzeit eröffnet sie ihr Massagestudio "Feel Like a Feather" in Kreuzberg. Inzwischen hat sie ihre Weiterbildung zur zertifizierten Körpertherapeutin in Berlin abgeschlossen.