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2019 - 2022.   Medical Fitness Academy, Massage- und Wellnesstherapeut


2016 - 2018    Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Public Arts and New Artistic Strategies

2008 -2012   Hong Kong Baptist University, Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) in Visual Arts 

2010 - 2011    Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar, Germany 







 “Did you mean bauhaus?” Curated by Ann-Kathrin Rudorf, Galerie Bernau , Berlin, Germany


"Imaginary Bauhaus Museum", Schiller Museum, Weimar, Germany


"Pool Resonance-How is  the air around you? "

   Selected project funded by Bauhaus-Universität Weimar in collaboration with Klassik Stiftung Weimar





Bauhaus Summaery 2018 


"Pool Resonance-AMeditation Journey in Schwanseebad"

   Selected project funded by Stuko and the Studierendenwerk Thüringen




Bauhaus Winterwerkschau 2017, Weimar Germany


Berliner Herbstsalon, Maxim Gorki Theater, Kronprinzenpalais, Berlin, Germany


Musikfest " Eisenberg spielt Klavier",  Eisenburg,  Germany


Un/sounds of Buchenwald.MOMENTUM Worldwide, The Global Platform for Time-based Art,  Berlin, Germany 


Un/sounds of Buchenwald, Curated by Bojan Vuletić, Buchenwald MemorialGedenkstätte Buchwald, Weimar,      





Hack project, Oil Street Art Space, Hong Kong




Ghost Walk, Fringe Club, Central, Hong Kong





Find Arts Exhibition 2014-PMQ, Central, Hong Kong


Hidden Treasure-15 Dragon Road, Tin Hau, Hong Kong




Make a different- MaD@ Social Innovation tour- Seoul, Korea1





Kowloon City Book Festival @ MaD


Hawkerama, DeTour, Hong Kong 


Market Forces: Response – Summer Pop-up Art Market, Osage Gallery, Hong Kong


SPLASH: AVA Graduation Exhibition 2012, Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong


In Light of Visual Arts, Koo Ming Kwan Exhibition Gallery, Hong Kong


Light-weight : An Exhibition of Student-Works from AVA's Craft & Design-Division,  Hong Kong





Em/bodying Intimacy, gallery of HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity, Hong Kong


Light ,Weight, 20th Jan- 22th Jan AVA Gallery, Hong Kong


Aus eins . zwei ende - Martiesa Wong. Joephy Wong Joint Exhibition, AVA Gallery, Hong Kong 


Annual show, Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar, Germany

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