Classic Massage ( Aroma/ Swedish Massage)
60/90 mins 70/100euro
It is a harmonic full-body massages to loosen up tight muscles caused by daily activities such as sitting at the computer or exercising. We will use warm herbal infused oils to relieve your physical and mental stress, reduce stiffness, joint and muscle pain.
Deep Tissue Massage
60/90 mins 80/110 euro
A "Good pain" Massage effective in treating musculoskeletal issues such as chronic back pain and tendonitis as well as reducing stress, anxiety and overall muscle tension. It works on the deep layers of muscle and fascia in the body. Expect firm pressure, intense sensations and trigger point treatment.
60/90 mins 70/100 euro
Ayurveda Massage (Indian massage)
90 mins 110 euro
The best massage ever to restore your energy. It is an energy enchantment from bottom of your toes to the top of your face, you will feel a beautiful energy flow when bathing in the special Ayurveda oil.
Lomi Lomi Nui (Hawaii Massage)
90 mins 110 euro
An imaginative journey take you away from Berlin , you are going to bath in a CoCo Oil dream. The massage as if sea waves wash away your stress and transform a perfect balance between deep tissue and relaxation, feel like waves goes generally on your body.
Booking: You are welcome to drop me a direct message on
Message on: WhatsApp +491779126643
DM on: Instagram
Available: Every Saturday
Address: Manteuffelstraße 67, 10999 Berlin
2G Rule applied

2019 - 2022. Medical Fitness Academy, Massage- und Wellnesstherapeut
2016 - 2018 Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Public Arts and New Artistic Strategies
2008 -2012 Hong Kong Baptist University, Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) in Visual Arts
2010 - 2011 Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar, Germany
“Did you mean bauhaus?” Curated by Ann-Kathrin Rudorf, Galerie Bernau , Berlin, Germany
"Imaginary Bauhaus Museum", Schiller Museum, Weimar, Germany
"Pool Resonance-How is the air around you? "
Selected project funded by Bauhaus-Universität Weimar in collaboration with Klassik Stiftung Weimar
Bauhaus Summaery 2018
"Pool Resonance-AMeditation Journey in Schwanseebad"
Selected project funded by Stuko and the Studierendenwerk Thüringen
Bauhaus Winterwerkschau 2017, Weimar Germany
Berliner Herbstsalon, Maxim Gorki Theater, Kronprinzenpalais, Berlin, Germany
Musikfest " Eisenberg spielt Klavier", Eisenburg, Germany
Un/sounds of Buchenwald.MOMENTUM Worldwide, The Global Platform for Time-based Art, Berlin, Germany
Un/sounds of Buchenwald, Curated by Bojan Vuletić, Buchenwald MemorialGedenkstätte Buchwald, Weimar,
Hack project, Oil Street Art Space, Hong Kong
Ghost Walk, Fringe Club, Central, Hong Kong
Find Arts Exhibition 2014-PMQ, Central, Hong Kong
Hidden Treasure-15 Dragon Road, Tin Hau, Hong Kong
Make a different- MaD@ Social Innovation tour- Seoul, Korea1
Kowloon City Book Festival @ MaD
Hawkerama, DeTour, Hong Kong
Market Forces: Response – Summer Pop-up Art Market, Osage Gallery, Hong Kong
SPLASH: AVA Graduation Exhibition 2012, Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
In Light of Visual Arts, Koo Ming Kwan Exhibition Gallery, Hong Kong
Light-weight : An Exhibition of Student-Works from AVA's Craft & Design-Division, Hong Kong
Em/bodying Intimacy, gallery of HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity, Hong Kong
Light ,Weight, 20th Jan- 22th Jan AVA Gallery, Hong Kong
Aus eins . zwei ende - Martiesa Wong. Joephy Wong Joint Exhibition, AVA Gallery, Hong Kong
Annual show, Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar, Germany